Friday, April 4, 2008

Anger seems a epidemic viral factor

Every thing was normal today getting up early,started out to college correctly but the ticket distributor seems to be off minded, he came behind my seat, I turned to him by hearing his call for buying ticket and told him that i have the pass, He responded

"Wont you show that early,very busy with your cell phone ah?"

this seems very unpleasant to hear early morning,this incident not only attacks my mood but also the driver seemed distorted as he too scolded the women who slowly got into the bus at the next stop.

This anger, when distributed by an individual attacks all those who were really short tempered,which would then pass for the whole day like a spam mail getting forwarded to every contacts in each address book it affects.

As i feel really enthralled to give my cure for such sudden attack ,try not to help yourself in gaining power in a public arena where everyone says bad if you are down.This infectious factor (anger) seem to destroy the cultivable minds for various reasons.

Simply say a sorry to the one who spreads anger to become immune to this or else you are the next patient seriously and practice two magic keys "thanks" and "please" every time as you converse,they can open any blocks for you freely.

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